Practice Rounds

Our judges will watch, record, and flow your entire round. Prior to the round we will send out an intake form so you can request certain styles (Progressive, Tech, Lay etc) or to focus on a particular aspect (word economy, coverage, etc). Our judges will provide feedback on each speech and an RFD. The flow, recording, and feedback will be sent together after the round for students to review as needed. $119 is the cost for the round for a maximum of 4 students. 1 v2 or 1v1 debates are also permitted. At this moment we do not have the ability to find teams for you to practice so you must provide all the debaters.


Gabe Rusk has taught over 2,000 students in Public Forum Debate, judged over 1,000 rounds, and was the TOC Champion in PF. He is a championship-level PF coach, camp currcilum director, and a member of the NSDA PF Topic Committee. He can present an Introduction or Advanced Lecture of PF to your class, school, district, or group of students. Slides will be provided afterward so your group can keep them as well as handouts.

Practice Interviews

Gabe Rusk coached dozens of students for elite colleges, universities, & elite scholarships. His students have been offered placement at Stanford University, Oxford University, MIT, UCLA, Harvard University, UC Berkeley, University of Pennsylvania, Brown University, USC, Barnard, Georgetown, UVA, University of Denver, Pomona, Cambridge University, Tsinghua University, UC San Diego, Princeton, George Washington University, NYU, Columbia University, UCI, University of Chicago, and many more Top 200 Universities. He has coached Schwarzmann Scholars, Truman Scholars, Rhodes Scholar Finalists, and many more. You will get an hour-long practice interview where we can customize your goals and where to improve content, elocution, and organization.